
Graduate Assistantships

Student writing on board while another student is looking on.


Graduate Assistantships are available for qualified graduate students on a competitive basis. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (undergraduate GPA for master's level; graduate GPA for doctoral level) to be considered.

Responsibilities of the Graduate Assistant

Graduate Assistants in the Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Sport are expected to work up to 20 hours per week. Tasks include teaching activity courses, administering health and fitness labs, assisting with research activities, and other similar duties as assigned by your faculty supervisor. Graduate assistants are obligated to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity and to keep informed of and follow University rules and regulations. 

Credit Hour Requirements

All Graduate Assistants are required to be full time students (enrolled in at least 6 credit hours) and be in good academic standing (minimum 3.0 GPA). 

Assistantship Stipend and Tuition Fellowship

Master's level graduate assistants receive a stipend of $3000 for each fall and spring semesters and $1500 for the summer semester ($7500 total annually).  Doctoral level graduate assistants receive a stipend of $7000 for each fall and spring semesters and $3500 for the summer semester ($17500 total annually). In addition, tuition remission is granted for a maximum of ten semester hours per term, but only for courses that are essential to the degree program (course fees not included). Out-of-state-tuition is also covered by the tuition fellowship for up to ten semester hours. No tuition is paid for courses audited or courses not a part of the degree program.

Graduate assistantships are reappointed on a semester-by-semester basis and a student may hold only one assistantship at a time. Reappointment each semester is generally considered for those assistants who are making satisfactory progress toward completion of their degree program and have been performing well in their assistantships. Reappointment may not be granted if the student fails to maintain a GPA of 3.0, fails to satisfactorily complete work assignments, or is unreliable or unprofessional. 

*Note. A graduate assistant who drops a course, withdraws from the University, or resigns an assistantship before the end of the semester will be required to reimburse the University for courses paid by the tuition fellowship.

How to Apply:

To be considered for a Graduate Assistantship, complete and submit the Application Form, Cover Letter Form, and Activity Course Proficiency Form along with three (3) letters of recommendation (using the Recommendation Form), unofficial transcripts, and a brief resumé to Dr. Ryan Colquhoun at rcolquhoun@southalabama.edu

Please submit ALL materials, including recommendations, in one email to Dr. Colquhoun (preferably, include Graduate Assistantship Application in the email title). If one of your references prefers to send the form directly to Dr. Colquhoun, please make a note of this on the Application Form where indicated.

  1. Application Form
  2. Cover Letter Form
  3. Activity Course Proficiency Form
  4. Recommendation Form

Fall: Deadline for application is March 15th
Spring: Deadline for application is September 15th

More Information
