
Aged Chemical Hazards



Department of Safety and Environmental Compliance


  Aged Chemical Hazards


Chemical/Class Hazards Cause of Change New Hazards
Divinyl acetatea Flammable Explosive Reacts with air to form peroxides Explosive
Dioxaneb Flammable Health React with air to form peroxides Severe explosives
Hydrogen peroxidea Oxidizer Health Decomposed by heat and light
to hydrogen and oxygen
Isopropyl ethera Flammable Health Reacts with air to form peroxides Severe explosive
Perchloric acida Corrosive Oxidizer Vapors condense on cool surfaces and react with organic materials to form shock-sensitive explosives (detonation could be caused by raising a hood door) Explosive
Potassium metala Pyrophoric Water-reactive when cut Reacts with air to form peroxides Explosive when cut
Sodium amidea Flammable Health Reacts with air to form peroxides Explosive
Vinylidene chloridea Extremely Flammable
 Health Reactive
Reacts with air to form peroxides;
peroxides initiate polymerization
Aldehydesa,b Flammable Health Water contamination in product over
one year old produces alcohols and acids
Flammable Corrosive
Ethersab Flammable Reacts with air to form peroxides Explosive
Ethoxy compoundsa,b Flammable Various Reacts with air to form peroxides Explosive
Acetalb Flammable Health    
Acrylic acidb Health Reactive Combustible Reacts with air to form peroxides;
peroxides initiate polymerization
Tetrafuoroethyleneb Health Reactive Reacts with air to form peroxides Explosive
Tetrahydrofuranb Flammable Health Reacts with air to form peroxides Explosive
Tetrahydronaphtaleneb  Combustible Reacts with air to form peroxides Explosive
Vinyl acetateb Flammable Health Reactive Reacts with air to form peroxides;
peroxides initiate polymerization
Vinyl chlorideb Flammable Health Reacts with air to form peroxides;
peroxides initiate polymerization
Vinyl ethersb Flammable Health Reactive Reacts with air to form peroxides;
peroxides initiate polymerization
Vinyl ethersb Flammable Health Reactive Reacts with air to form peroxides;
peroxides initiate polymerization
Vinyl pyridineb Health Reacts with air to form peroxides;
peroxides initiate polymerization
aDiscard after 3 months      
bDiscard after 1 year